100% fight – The History of Sweden
The exhibition 100% fight – the History of Sweden is the history of Sweden’s many rights-fighters. Their struggles form a vital part of the country’s history and show that society can be changed.
The exhibition was displayed at Historiska february 16 – december 9 2018.
This exhibition describes people who have taken up the fight for their own and others’ rights. People who fought for the right to live and love on equal terms – regardless of functional abilities, sexual orientation, belief, gender, class or origin. Human rights are the essential precondition of a democratic society, and they cannot be taken for granted. The fights and struggles are part of our modern life. They are going on all around us. Every day.
The exhibition has no English texts, but you will find an audioguide with the complete content. Ask at the information desk in the museum or find it here.
This is a touring exhibition and it will be displayed at Historiska until December 9th 2018.

The walls in the entrance to the exhibition are covered with photos from demonstrations from different times and places around Sweden. Photo: Ola Myrin, National Historical Museums.