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Explore What Lies Hidden

18.11 2016 – 19.11 2017

With its exhibitions, research and unique collections, the Swedish History Museum is an important agent in providing perspectives on how history and cultural heritage are formed and changed.

History Unfolds is an attempt at making visible how history is created and used, and how it in turn has influenced and still influences our view of society. The museum wants to problematize and complete the picture of what history is in Sweden, make the invisible visible, explore what is hidden and forgotten and enter into a debate about the underlying norms that have created the museum and its collections.

The Swedish History Museum has invited artists to create new work inspired by its collections and research. Existing artworks by Swedish and international artists will also be shown in the exhibitions at the museum.

Participating artists: Esther Shalev-Gerz, Dušica Dražić, James Webb, Minna L. Henriksson, Elisabeth Bucht, Artur Żmijewski, Jananne Al-Ani, Hiwa K, Susan Meiselas and Meriç Algün Ringborg.

History Unfolds also comprises an exhibition presenting selected objects from the museum’s collections. The objects testify to the breadth of the collections as well as emphasizing narratives and perspectives that have previously not been shown.

The scholar and historian Pia Laskar, is linked to the project within the framework of a research collaboration between the Swedish History Museum, the Unstraight Museum and the Royal Armoury with financial support from the Swedish Arts Council.

Curator: Helene Larsson Pousette